How To Make A Decision Regarding Your Phone Addiction


Of all the things you could be addicted to, technology is not a bad thing to be addicted to. The downside is that it can get expensive to always want the new phone or tablet, especially if you sign 2-year contracts and end up paying the full price for the new item.  While living in student housing near the University of Washington in Seattle, the right phone can make a big difference in your life.

Have you ever bought a phone that was all the rage and then realized that you just went with the popular option and didn’t do you own research and don’t really like the phone you bought and you’re now stuck with it for two years. Or maybe you have buyer’s regret and realize that the few hundred bucks you spent on the new phone wasn’t really worth it and you could’ve put it to better use.

With all the options out there and loyal fans it could be hard to make an effective decision when it’s time to get a new phone. Do you go with the new Apple iPhone that runs iOS, or do you stick with the Android platform. Maybe you want to go outside the popularity and move towards a Windows phone or maybe a Blackberry or the new Amazon phone.

The best thing to do is to not make rash decisions. Give yourself time to make a decision and do research. Figure out the things that are important to you. Are you an aspiring photographer and the camera on the phone is important to you? Do you need a high performance phone that will be able to handle all the games you will download? Maybe all you need is a basic phone to make calls. Most phones these days are smart phones and have Internet capabilities that allow you to check email and interact on social media such as Facebook and Twitter.

Once you figure out the important must-have features, figure out the features that would be nice to have. Keep this in mind as differentiating factors. For example if two phones all have all your basic needs, but one phone has multiple features on your “nice to have” list, that makes your decision easier.

After you know what you want, start doing in-depth research. The Internet is flooded with information on new phones and technology. Look at a variety of sources and review platforms. As you work through your options, narrow them down to a few models that you think you would be happy with. Do your best to choose models from multiple platforms so you can see the user experience with different operating systems (iOS/Android etc…).

Once you have your models narrowed down, go to the mobile phone stores and play with the phones. Check out the various features and talk to sales consultants and have them demo the features you are interested in. The more you play with and experience the phones, you’ll have a better grasp on what models you like and you will be more happier when you do buy a phone because you would have tried multiple options and chose the one you wanted.

You can also consult with friends and family members to see what their opinions are on the phones you’re interested in. Sometimes this will make a choice easier, but don’t put too much stock in their opinions because everyone is different and has different wants and needs.

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