9 Types of College Parties You Should Definitely Attend

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College is a time to learn. You will learn in your classes about what interests you but you will also learn about yourself. What means something to you, what you believe in, who you believe in, what you will fight for and much more. You will learn about the kinds of people who you like to spend your time with - those who make you a better person and those who you can call up when you need to blow off some steam. When you decide to blow off some steam, celebrate great grades or decide to just have a great time with some friends there are 9 possible types of college parties that you may find yourself at.


1. Low-key night with a group of friends

When you are ready to relax for an evening but don’t feel like spending it crammed into an apartment living room or a noisy bar, you may find yourself having a low-key night in with a close group of friends. Curled up in comfortable clothes with some brews, you and your friends can laugh, play games, watch movies and more without the social pressures of a full-blown college party. You’re still hanging out and making great memories, but you don’t have to worry about what you are going to wear and how to get to where you are going. Plus, it is much easier to order a pizza and wings delivered to your hangout spot when it is just you and a couple people.


2. Social with a club or organization

Getting involved in school outside of class is great for developing more skills related to things you care about and meet new people who you share interests with. There will most likely be a time where you all want to get together outside of your typical meetings and events associated with that club or organization. When you find yourself in one of these social gatherings with people you basically have only known on a more professional level, it's gonna be awkward. Sometimes these kinds of social gatherings will start as a pre-game and then you all go off to meet up with your respective groups of friends. Other times, you end up having such a great time getting to know these people on a different level that you find some of your very best college friends. Don’t be afraid to go to these kinds of gatherings! Step out of the comfort zone of your typical crew and give yourself the opportunity to meet even more people.


 3. Night with the neighbors

Your next door neighbor - whether it is a dorm or apartment - is someone who you probably began the school year with awkward conversation on the elevator or early in the morning while brushing your teeth. It wasn’t normally anything more than a “hi” or “good morning” until the time they decided to invite you over for a party. Whether it is a dorm room pregame or an apartment party, don’t pass up the chance to get to know your neighbors better. Having friends next door is never a bad thing. Besides, what awesome way to have a great time than to walk across the hall (or street, or lawn, or whatever)? No worrying about looking cute and getting ready -- slippers and bare feet are totally in!


4. Greek Life

If you are in the Greek life system at your school or have friends who are, there is a good chance you will find yourself at a Greek life party at least once. Whether it is a night out with the girls or attending a party because you know someone who lives in the party frat - Greek parties are just part of the college experience. While they get a bad rep sometimes, if you are smart and safe, you can easily have a great time with your friends. If you get the chance to attend, don’t pass it up! Get a group of friends together and see what it is all about.


5. Holiday Themed Parties

While celebrating the holidays may have become a little less exciting since your younger years, nothing says Merry Christmas like an ugly sweater party in college. Holiday themed parties are a great time to get dressed up with friends, look silly, and celebrate  your holiday spirit. Halloween, Christmas, St. Patrick’s Day and more are all times that you and your friends can throw a holiday themed party giving you a chance to see how creative you can get with your outfits.


6. Meeting your S.O.’s friends party

Pressure. is. on. You have been dating someone long enough that they want to introduce you to their group of friends. You may have met your significant other through a class or club so it’s not like a mutual friend introduced you - so you have to meet their circle of friends. Surviving these kinds of college parties comes down to one thing: Be yourself. The person who invited you to the party (your S.O.) likes you for who you are, right? Then there is no reason to be anything but yourself. Enjoy the drinks but don’t be THAT girl or guy. You want to leave a great impression and be welcomed into a new circle of friends.


7. Winter Break Parties

These are especially big when you are coming home for the very first time since you went away to college. You will be surprised how much people change when they leave their hometown and start a new life in college - you did too, after all. Winter break get togethers with your friends from high school are a whole different level of college parties. You will see people you haven’t seen in awhile and catch up on everything that they have been up to. Old frenemies might suddenly become your best friends and you might find out that your high school crush is noticing you. Enjoy these moments… soon they will turn into your five year, ten year and 15 year high school reunion.


8. Themed Parties

Similar to holiday parties, themed parties give you a chance to have a good time with your friends while flexing your creativity muscles. Themed parties can range from a typical toga party to an ABC party (anything but cups). Regardless of the theme of the party that you are attending, it gives you a great opportunity to strike up conversation with someone new. Compliment someone on their outfit and you can find yourself in the beginning of a new friendship. Themed parties are meant to bring out the laughs and creativity while also breaking away from the typical weekend parties.


9. Victory/Defeat Parties

Win or lose, you are most likely going to have the chance to celebrate your school spirit following a big game. Really the outcome of the game doesn’t matter, because you and your friends will still take the chance to either celebrate a big win with a party or forget all about it with music, dancing and drinks. Either let go of a tough loss or celebrate the student-athletes that walk the same halls as you. Heck, you can even keep your game day gear on at these parties, no one would think anything of it.

Parties in college are a great way to destress from the strain of college and meet new people. Don’t be afraid to step out of your comfort zone and partake in the fun, just stay smart and be safe!